When Your Loved One Leaves Rehab

When Your Loved One Leaves Rehab

When Your Loved One Leaves Rehab

When your loved one leaves rehab you have many challenges ahead. Albeit an exciting time, it also can be frightening for the family or spouse.

In treatment, there is support within a drug-free environment that keeps the addict safe from temptation. Behavior and spirituality are constantly worked on and addicts are kept very busy. Negative thoughts occur in rehab but not without any support anytime of the day. Such support isn’t easily available outside of rehab.

When the addict leaves rehab aftercare meetings and sponsors are so crucial.

When your loved one leaves rehab friends and family may carry resentments towards the addict, whereas the addict has learned not to have any towards anyone and to make amends. People aren’t as understanding of the new addict and might even be skeptical especially if they have been to many rehabs in the past.

Avoiding alcohol and drugs and the places these are found like pubs and clubs. Alcohol is a tricky one as many families and friends have ‘get togethers’ where alcohol is often the norm. The best advice is to keep the recovering addict away from these functions, especially early in recovery as the risk of relapse is tp great.
As recovery goes on it will be easier to be around alcohol and the craving or urge will be less or and after time the urge to use my disappear. Each addict is different.

It is dangerous for recovering addicts to see old friends because old using buddies will think that their friend can control their drug use now and offer them drugs or alcohol. This is why recovering addicts need to change their circle of friends. Friends in recovery should be within support groups or NA to safeguard their sobriety.

Stress and anxiety may present themselves in some form or another especially for those that have families to support or return to their place of employment. It’s of importance that the employer and family are educated concerning early days of recovery and triggers to watch out for.

When your loved one leaves rehab ask about relapse prevention skills and attend family meetings.

If your loved one shows signs of relapse it’s best to contact a drug rehab before they use. Drug rehab in Johannesburg or contact a drug rehab in Durban.

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