New Party Drug Dirty Sprite

New Party Drug Dirty Sprite

New Party Drug Dirty Sprite

New party drug dirty sprite on the streets. Dirty Sprite is a combination of soda and Codeine-based syrup and is deadly. The party drug Dirty Sprite is becoming ever more popular amongst the club and the house party crowd. Dirty sprite is sometimes called “Lean”. It can make the user euphoric and if consumed in large amounts sedative effects occur which is why it’s known as “Lean”. The effects are similar to using Heroin or Morphine, with similar withdrawal symptoms to those drugs as well.

Over-the-counter cough medication is easily attained and not as expensive as most substances making this a very attractive option for opioid addicts. Lil Wayne the hip-hop artist is known for his addiction to “Lean”. It has since been termed “hip hops new heroin”. The effects of this drink are Lethargy, drunken type behavior, euphoria. This drink remains on the tongue giving new users that “mouthfeel” which lasts for a few moments.

Codeine abuse can become a full-blown codeine addiction. Codeine is classified as a schedule 2 drug that is highly addictive and can be abused.

Drug Dirty Sprite Symptoms

Just like all opioids, the symptoms are similar:
Altered consciousness
Nausea and vomiting
Dry mouth
Allergic skin reaction
At high doses symptoms are deadly:
Shallow breathing
Heart rate drops
Blood pressure drops

When a user takes too much you will see a loss of consciousness, shallow breathing, respiratory collapse, and heart failure. The decrease in oxygen in the blood can cause organs to shut down. Lack of oxygen in the brain leads to tissue, brain, and heart damage or death.

Codeine is not as habit-forming as most painkillers such as oxycodone but can still develop into an addiction. Codeine addicts will feel withdrawals within a few hours after using their last dosage. Codeine withdrawal symptoms are similar to other opiates and can be very severe.

Drug Dirty Sprite Withdrawals

Common Symptoms of withdrawals are:
Muscle aches
stomach aches
excessive perspiration
Withdrawal symptoms aren’t life-threatening but can cause relapses. The worst thing that could happen is the addict dehydrates or blood pressure rises. This is why it’s important to get into a treatment center to detox under medical supervision.

If you or a loved one are suffering from any form of addiction contact ARCA rehabs for an assessment.

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