Help for Tik Addiction

help for tik addiction

If you or someone you know is seeking help for tik addiction, you may be overwhelmed by the different rehabs and therapies available. How do you know which treatment is best for tik addiction? To make the right choice you will need to know exactly what addiction is first and why certain therapies are so vital. Tik goes by many other names, such as:

  • Meth
  • Crystal

Why is tik so addictive?

Tik is a potent substance that gets the user hooked almost immediately. Every time an individual uses tik there are changes in the brain. The individual will not be able to feel pleasure without the use of tik. The high that comes from using tik is so intense and long lasting that addiction is inevitable. When the individual tries to stop, the craving for tik is so strong that they relapse again and again.

Signs and Symptoms of Tik Addiction

Contrary to popular belief, tik goes beyond just being a psychological addiction and has physical effects too:

How to Get Help for Tik Addiction  

Treating a tik addiction requires intensive medical detox. Treatment involves purging the toxins of tik from the body first. This detox will help the patients body to function without the use of tik drug. Once the detox process is complete (3 to 5 days) then the psychological treatment can successfully commence. For more information about help for tik addiction, contact ARCA Jhb and Durban for a free appointment.

  • Weight loss – tik blocks the brain’s appetite centers
  • Dehydration – users will not feel thirsty and go weeks without drinking anything
  • Insomnia – tik is a stimulant and increases wakefulness
  • Osteoporosis – teeth and bones break easy
  • Elevated body temperature – from high doses, also known as hypothermia
  • Decreased Libido – tik alters the pleasure response in the brain
  • Paranoia – suspicions about people
  • Hallucinations – due to high doses
  • Aggression – can lead to violence

How to Get Help for Tik Addiction  

Treating a tik addiction requires intensive medical detox. Treatment involves purging the toxins of tik from the body first. This detox will help the patients body to function without the use of tik drug. Once the detox process is complete (3 to 5 days) then the psychological treatment can successfully commence. For more information about help for tik addiction, contact ARCA Jhb and Durban for a free appointment.

ARCA rehabs Treatment