Drug Rehab Help: When Do I Need it?
Many people decide to avoid rehab because they believe that they do not have a problem. They may feel ashamed or uncertain or they simply cannot affords drug rehab help. If you or someone you know is in need of drug rehab help, here are a few indications that it’s time to go:
Your Health Has Taken a Knock
When an individual abuses drugs, their health may be affected in many ways. There may be some time before you see signs of an addiction. If you are starting to see a decline in your health due to your addiction, then it is time for drug rehabilitation help.
Your Relationship with Friends and Family is Damaged
When you are in the grips of active addiction, you would have relationship problems. When an individual is abusing substances they are prone to arguing and more irritable. There is no normality when a family member has a drug problem.
Drugs are expensive and finances will become strained. Lack of empathy and care will drive a wedge between any couple, where there are drugs involved – it is worse. If you notice your friends and family distancing themselves from you, then you know its time drug rehabilitation help.
You Can’t Cope Without Substances
Many addictions begin with just using a substance occasionally. Eventually, a user will use more and their lives will spiral out of control really quickly. As an addiction starts to progress, the user will need to use more and rely on the substances to function. When a person begins to feel as if they need a substance to get through the day, this is a sign they need drug rehabilitation help.
You Value Your Addiction Over Other Interests
One huge sign that addiction has become destructive is when an individual loses interest in activities and hobbies they once enjoyed. The drug of choice becomes the main focus and a user will rather isolate or hang around other drug users.
Your Work Life is Affected Negatively
Addiction is a progressive disease and once an addiction is in full swing, other areas of a users life will be affected. If your academic and work life are negatively affected due to your addiction, this is when an intervention is required.
Drug Rehab Help at ARCA
If you or a loved one need drug rehab help, feel free to contact ARCA rehab Jhb or Durban anytime of the day or night.